Our goals

Over the years, one solutions has been made clear: revolt and battle leads to nothing but chaos and death. That is why ITY has one clear goal in mind, and that is to indoctrinate people at a young age. While history has made this method of obedience seem quite sullen, this site is here to dispel many unfair and quite frankly false claims towards indoctrination. This is why here at ITY we call the current state of the world "The Great Collapse", no indoctrinaton in sight. Here you will find many resources and evidence towards our cause. We hope to one day convert the whole world to a more efficent and overall much better method of education and that is indoctrination.

Everyone knows that the three most successful and superior econimic/political systems are communism, socialism and fascism. Over the years great leaders like Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Supreme Leader Mao have arisen and shaped great societies. All of this was possible due to indoctrination, and it led all of these countries to where they are now. The god-like power of these leaders lead to greatness and strength. The book "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes explains this perfectly, as a ruler must have an iron fist over anything and everything in a nation. If people know nothing but "supreme leader" there will be no revolts, no violence and a utopia will be near. Всегда не забывайте чистить зубы и жертвовать своими конфетами на Хэллоуин верховному лидеру!

Our heroes

Vlademir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
Mao Zedong
Benito Mussolini
Stephen Colbert
Che Guevara
Giovanni Gentile
Donald Duck

"Surrender your mind to supreme leader!"- Stephen Colbert